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torque measuring instrument中文是什么意思

用"torque measuring instrument"造句"torque measuring instrument"怎么读"torque measuring instrument" in a sentence


  • 转矩测量仪表


  • Magnetoelectric phase difference torque measuring instrument
  • Vibrating wire resonant wire torque measuring instrument
  • Magnetoelastic torque measuring instrument
  • At present , because of the application of computer , the performance of torque measuring instrument has been improved greatly
  • The facture and demarcate of magnetic - flexibility torque measuring instrument is fulfilled . because of adopting the micro - computer , torque value can be processed and controlled conveniently
  • At the same time , in the measured machine , torque measuring instrument can be watch - instrument in the routine circulation , fault - diagnosis and checking instrument in the autocontrol system
  • In this paper , every composing element of magnetic - flexibility torque measuring instrument is introduced in detail . it is important to study how to fulfill the measurement of the torque accurately and reliably
  • In the succedent two chapters , the principle of strain gauge torque instrument is firstly analyzed and researched . then the proportional relations between torque input of torque sensor and voltage output . at last , the research and calculation of every mechanical part of strain gauge torque measuring instrument are done in detail
用"torque measuring instrument"造句  
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